Inexpensive Ways to Enjoy the Holiday on Lake Nacimiento!

There’s a growing excitement on Lake Nacimiento as Christmas Day is only a few days away!  The hustle and bustleof holiday shopping, parties, concerts and much more may have your head spinning and there still may be much to do before Saturday.  However being able to really sit back and enjoy this time is what the holiday season is all about.

Whether you’re staying at your Oak Shores or Heritage Ranch home on Lake Nacimeinto or are venturing out to visit family and friends; I wanted to share 8 great ways to enjoy the holidays without any additional spending!  We all feel the brunt of the economic recession in one way or another, so finding ways to save money while still experiencing Christmas cheer is something from which we can all benefit!

1. Candlelight Night– There’s something very calming about candlelight.  Why not get together with friends or family, light a few candles and have your fireplace glowing and take time to share your favorite Christmas memories!

2. Slow Down– Feel that you have a million thoughts running through your head and a long list of things to do before Christmas Eve?  Sit down and just take a minute to relax.  Find a quiet place in your home, enjoy the calming views of Lake Nacimiento from your Oak Shores home and just block out all the noise.  Being able to take a few minutes to do this will help you to enjoy the holiday more as you feel relaxed and more focused on the true meaning of the holidays.

3. Potluck– Instead of trying to do it all and take on hosting a large Christmas dinner in your home on Lake Nacimiento; have a potluck!  Whether you’re gathering with your Oak Shores or Heritage Ranch neighbors or are expecting a large group of family and friends; sharing the cooking will take the pressure off of you!  This also gives others the opportunity to share their favorite holiday recipes!

4. Movie Night– Looking for something to do for a fun holiday event?  Host a movie night with holiday treats and your favorite holiday movies!  This inexpensive gathering will be fun for children and adults alike!

5. Cocktail Party– Try hosting a cocktail party in place of an entire meal.  If you want to keep things simple, and don’t have an entire evening free- this can be a way to gather with friends over a little Christmas cheer.  Have an under $5 gift exchange for added fun!

6. Hot Chocolate Tasting– This classic winter drink is loved by many and with all the new flavors out there, a hot chocolate tasting may be just the thing for a fun holiday idea!  The tasting can take place for the children while the adults enjoy their cocktail party, or can become part of your Christmas Eve traditions!

7. Winter Walk
Lake Nacimiento is beautiful this time of year!  Even though the leaves on the Oak trees are gone, the Pine trees offer that touch of green and holiday spirit.  The fresh air will be invigorating and discovering your favorite walking path around Lake Nacimiento is always a great idea!

8. Give Back– Whether it’s your time, money, or donations… give back this season!  There are many who aren’t able to experience the holidays to the fullest due to illness, loneliness or lack of resources to buy gifts for loved ones.  Why not take the time to give back in some way?  Gather your Lake Nacimiento neighbors or family and come up with creative ways to give back to the community surrounding Lake Nacimeinto!  You’ll enjoy seeing the smiles on others faces!

I hope these ideas will be something you can do or will spark new ideas for ways to enjoy the holiday!  The holiday season is festive around Lake Nacimiento and allows Oak Shores and Heritage Ranch residents to really enjoy the Lake Nacimiento lifestyle!  If you have any questions about living on Lake Nacimiento, please let me know!  I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Lake Nacimiento Real Estate market!

Happy Holidays!

Grace Borzini
Your Local Lake Nacimiento Real Estate Expert
Oak Shores Realty

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