Lake Naci News – April 2008

                       POOL OPENING CELEBRATION &


Come support your local volunteers!

April 19, 2008

5pm to 9pm


Please bring your favorite dinner dish or salad to share

Sodas/water $1.00

Beer/wine $2.00

Mixed drinks $3.00

Call Janice Gillenwater for details:


The New Oak Shores Pool Complex

At the regularly scheduled OSCA board meeting on April 19th, 2008, there will be a Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the official opening of our new pool. Expected time of ceremony is between 10:00-10:30 a.m. Please come to see the completed pool complex and to thank all of the dedicated volunteers that made our new pool complex possible!

2008 Weed Cutters List

Remember Weed abatement deadline is June 10 every year!!

                                     1.       Bryson Borzini/Brian Lima                   831-277-4746

                                                   2.       Ryan Casey                                             831-809-8615

                                                   3.       Melita Denny (water plant)                 472-9036 or 472-2540

                                                   4.       Greg Gillenwater                                   472-9404

                                                   5.       Nick Holland                                           472-2156 or 878-2182     

                                                   6.       Josh Marmolejo                                     472-2758                                 

                                                   7.       Warren Musser                                      472-2440

                                                   8.       Fred Escalera – Oak Paradise Const.  423-1525 or fax 472-2202

                                                   9.       Guy Snow                                                472-2000 (leave message)

                                                  10.     John West                                               472-2045

                                                  11.     Johnnie Smith                                         472-2680

                                                  12.     Steve Walter                                           472-9616

                                                  13.     Chris Kirk                                                472-9272 or 440-7948

                                                  14.     Fred Davis                                               472-2049

Contact our office at 805-472-2233 or visit the website at for more information.

Nacimiento Dam Spillway Construction Begins

Construction on the Nacimiento Dam Spillway Modification Component of the Salinas Valley Water Project began on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, and will continue during the non-rainy seasons over the next two years.

Because of construction activities, there will be periods when traffic on Nacimiento Lake Road will be affected by construction truck traffic, and there will be variations in the levels of Lake Nacimiento. However, the construction schedules and the water levels will not have significant effects on traffic around the reservoir and on recreational activities, particularly on weekends and holidays.

The purpose of the Nacimiento Dam Spillway Modification Component, which includes enlargement of the spillway and installation of a rubber spillway gate at the dam, is to address safety issues associated with the flood flows that must be conveyed through the reservoir and the spillway.

State and federal regulators require that the dam be modified so that if a large flood event were to occur, the dam’s spillway could release enough water to ensure flood protection and safety of the dam. In addition, the spillway modification would provide additional water releases during the year for water conservation in the Salinas Valley. Dam safety and the protection of lives and property is the mission of both agencies and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA). Without this project, the MCWRA would have to provide an additional flood storage equal to 17 feet of elevation by lowering the reservoir level as of January 1 every year to 765 feet.

“The Agency’s goal has been to stop seawater intrusion and to increase flood protection at the dam. This project allows us to meet that goal,” according to Curtis Weeks, general manager of the Water Resources Agency.

The SVWP, approved by an overwhelming 85 percent of property valuation in the Salinas River Basin in 2003, is intended to help stop seawater intrusion, improved flood control and Nacimiento Dam safety, recharge of aquifers and improved river flow for migration of the federally designated threatened Steelhead trout.

Modifications to the spillway at Nacimiento Dam are expected to be completed by Fall 2009. Until then, construction will occur between April and September 30, 2008, and April 2009 to September 2009.

The second component of the Salinas Valley Water Project is construction of a diversion facility, which is another rubber dam on the Salinas River near Marina, to allow diversion of river water during dry times for treatment and piping to nearby farms for irrigation.

For more information about traffic schedules, project descriptions, maps and photos, go to the Monterey County Water Resources Agency’s website – – and click on News/Construction.

Oak Shores Realty