Don’t Miss These Halloween Events on Lake Nacimiento!

It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of October and the holiday season is quickly approaching!  We’ve had a beautiful autumn here on Lake Nacimiento with a wide variety of activities here and around the Central California Coast to get us out and about  to enjoy the community.

As a Lake Nacimiento Real Estate agent, one of my goals is to let you know of things going on in the Lake Nacimiento communities.  I know that the lifestyle that’s offered can be one of the most appealing aspects of buying a home, and you’ll find that the Lake Nacimiento lifestyle has plenty to offer!

Whether you live on Lake Nacimiento in the Oak Shores or Heritage Ranch communities year round or you’re planning a weekend getaway, you won’t want to miss out on these fun-filled, Halloween inspired events taking place this weekend on Lake Nacimiento!  Take a look!

2nd Annual OSCA Pumpkin Carving Contest
OSCA Clubhouse

Submissions due Saturday, October 29 by 2pm

– Everyone is invited to get involved in the second annual pumpkin carving contest!  Drop off your carved pumpkin at the Clubhouse by noon on Saturday the 29th in order to compete!  The pumpkins will be judged at the Halloween Party on Saturday evening at the Clubhouse, and winners will be announced on Sunday morning, the 28th at 10am.  Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded to winners in the adult and children category.  After the winners are announced, you can then take your pumpkin home with you to enjoy!  For more information, contact Janice Gillenwater at 472-9404 or Connie Main at 472-9630.

Oak Shores Community Halloween Costume Party
OSCA Clubhouse

Saturday, October 27 from 7-10pm

– This fun filled party is your chance to get dressed up and mingle with family, friends and neighbors!  The party is free to everyone who dresses up and brings 2 canned good to donate, otherwise it’s $10 per person.  Bring your favorite appetizer to share and enjoy mixed drinks ($3), beer and wine ($2) or water and soda ($1).  Live DJ music will be provided by Mario and a Costume Contest will award prizes for Best costume, Most Creative costume, Funniest costume, Best Original costume and Scariest costume.  For more information, contact Janice Gillenwater at 472-9404 or Connie Main at 472-9630.  This is another fun event you won’t want to miss!

You’ll have a great time at both of these events getting to know your neighbors and hanging out with friends!  Both are a fun way to celebrate the fall season!

If you’ve been interested in living or vacationing on Lake Nacimiento, but aren’t sure where to begin with your Lake Nacimiento home search; please let me know!  There are a number of beautiful homes currently available in Oak Shores and Heritage Ranch, and I would be happy to walk with you through each step of the home buying process.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Grace Borzini
Your Local Lake Nacimiento Real Estate Expert
Oak Shores Realty

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Oak Shores Realty specializes in Oak Shores at Lake Nacimiento properties. Please contact us today to get more information on Lake Nacimiento lake homes. Oak Shores Realty can also provide you an insiders “Lake Nacimiento Buying Guide” with great information including maps and market information.

Please let us know how we can help!